Unfortunately, not all of us may have enough money to buy a golf cart that's new and shiny. For those looking for a used cart, you'll want to consider G olf Cart Sales Spartanburg SC , and to maintain it these four tips to make sure your ride stays in good shape whether it's old or new. Charge The Batteries When Not In Use : Batteries don't last forever, even if you're a golfer that only plays during the weekends. You need to properly charge your batteries before you put them away for storage. Charge the batteries until they are fully charged so they will not drain when it's in storage. Even if you regularly charge your batteries, it is still a good idea to check the water level in the batteries. Make sure that they have enough electrolytes. Keep The Tires Inflated : Carts need to be in good working condition and one of the most important gears is its tires. You'll want to make sure that it's properly inflated for good traction and performance when yo...